If you are happy at your present job, please be there and perform your duty religiously. Accept this fact wholeheartedly and tell your-self very loudly and clearly that you are happy at your present job, you enjoy working there and you do not intend to make any change for now. Therefore stop searching for new jobs; also make it a point to stop answering calls from the HR consultants. Have enough courage and strength to tell them honestly that you are happy, enjoying your job and you are not interested to change, also thank them for the call.
Please remember, the moment you say no to the HR-consultant, chances are that you will start getting calls from the head-hunters, because you may be the most eligible candidate and perfect-fit for the new assignment they have in hand. They will start calling you day-in and day-out till you accept there proposal to visit their prospective client for a preliminary Interview.
Once you accept there invitation of an Interview call, you are going to get-trapped in this puzzle. In the beginning, it will be fun or you will call it an experience of giving an interview in a new company and evaluating your true value in today’s job market. But things will start changing dramatically in your personal and professional life once you have been short listed by your prospective employer. Your mind will start making all types of calculations and by the time you get an offer letter in hand, you are fully sold at the same time a bit confused also; your confidence and concentration on your present job will start loosing. But in other hands, it will also start increasing your excitement, focus and confidence simultaneously on the new assignment and you will not stop day-dreaming about your new job and future career growth with an open eyes.
It’s obvious, in any new job offer, the field looks greener on the other side, and there are enough reasons; because everyone will start talking good about you, your new company and new assignment. And they will start giving examples of your career advancements by way of your career growth within next one to three years, where the sky is the limit.
In the beginning, it will look so exiting that you forget the main issue and that is: “All good things are applicable subject to your performing, crossing all expected targets and coming closer up to the expectations of the new management”.
While accepting a new assignment, the new joiner usually forgets few basic things which are: - the company is new, their business is new, so are their customers and competitors. And it will take minimum three to six months for any individual to understand the company, its culture, policies, products, clients, competitors and their future goals etc; there after he can plan his strategies, road map and plan of action to achieve the pre-set target/goals.
However, the meter of the prospective employer starts clicking from day you join them and the whole company will be looking at you with x-ray eyes and they are expecting miracles from you; that’s why they have selected you and agreed to pay you an exorbitant salary, incentives and perks, which you have negotiated with them. They strongly believed that you are an extra ordinary person with super intelligence; sharpen skills, full of confidence, positive attitude, high energy level, optimism and an excellent performer.
Please do not get dishearten, the intention is not to discourage you to join a new company, but it's a request not play with your own career and change for the sake of a change. First, do self introspection and analysis rationally and than take a call. There could be various personal reasons but you have to think rationally: -
1) You are under paid and you deserve more
2) Your designation has not change in last five years
3) You are not comfortable at your present assignment
4) You think your boss and your colleagues do not like you
5) You don’t see great future for yourself in the present job
These could be some one’s assumptions which may not be true. Everyone has problems. But running away from those problems is not a solution; rather it becomes a bigger problem at a later date. Because the moment you decide to change the job, your mind, body and soul stop working sincerely, which directly influence your performance. You start thinking negatively and by default every thing seems to go wrong and it goes against you which further add on to your decision of leaving an organization which was good to you and fed your family till yesterday.
Therefore, please be sincere towards your job; give your 100%, always do more than what you are expected to do; strongly follows company's Ethics and EH&S policies, try to learn more soft/hard skills; obtain more professional qualification/s; don’t criticize your company, boss and colleagues; last but not the least, do your best. This will not only makes you happy and proud of your job but it will also makes your company feels proud of you, because you being their most dedicated, honest, loyal, hard working and excellent human being who is respected in the company as a most valuable human resource.
With Prayers
Please remember, the moment you say no to the HR-consultant, chances are that you will start getting calls from the head-hunters, because you may be the most eligible candidate and perfect-fit for the new assignment they have in hand. They will start calling you day-in and day-out till you accept there proposal to visit their prospective client for a preliminary Interview.
Once you accept there invitation of an Interview call, you are going to get-trapped in this puzzle. In the beginning, it will be fun or you will call it an experience of giving an interview in a new company and evaluating your true value in today’s job market. But things will start changing dramatically in your personal and professional life once you have been short listed by your prospective employer. Your mind will start making all types of calculations and by the time you get an offer letter in hand, you are fully sold at the same time a bit confused also; your confidence and concentration on your present job will start loosing. But in other hands, it will also start increasing your excitement, focus and confidence simultaneously on the new assignment and you will not stop day-dreaming about your new job and future career growth with an open eyes.
It’s obvious, in any new job offer, the field looks greener on the other side, and there are enough reasons; because everyone will start talking good about you, your new company and new assignment. And they will start giving examples of your career advancements by way of your career growth within next one to three years, where the sky is the limit.
In the beginning, it will look so exiting that you forget the main issue and that is: “All good things are applicable subject to your performing, crossing all expected targets and coming closer up to the expectations of the new management”.
While accepting a new assignment, the new joiner usually forgets few basic things which are: - the company is new, their business is new, so are their customers and competitors. And it will take minimum three to six months for any individual to understand the company, its culture, policies, products, clients, competitors and their future goals etc; there after he can plan his strategies, road map and plan of action to achieve the pre-set target/goals.
However, the meter of the prospective employer starts clicking from day you join them and the whole company will be looking at you with x-ray eyes and they are expecting miracles from you; that’s why they have selected you and agreed to pay you an exorbitant salary, incentives and perks, which you have negotiated with them. They strongly believed that you are an extra ordinary person with super intelligence; sharpen skills, full of confidence, positive attitude, high energy level, optimism and an excellent performer.
Please do not get dishearten, the intention is not to discourage you to join a new company, but it's a request not play with your own career and change for the sake of a change. First, do self introspection and analysis rationally and than take a call. There could be various personal reasons but you have to think rationally: -
1) You are under paid and you deserve more
2) Your designation has not change in last five years
3) You are not comfortable at your present assignment
4) You think your boss and your colleagues do not like you
5) You don’t see great future for yourself in the present job
These could be some one’s assumptions which may not be true. Everyone has problems. But running away from those problems is not a solution; rather it becomes a bigger problem at a later date. Because the moment you decide to change the job, your mind, body and soul stop working sincerely, which directly influence your performance. You start thinking negatively and by default every thing seems to go wrong and it goes against you which further add on to your decision of leaving an organization which was good to you and fed your family till yesterday.
Therefore, please be sincere towards your job; give your 100%, always do more than what you are expected to do; strongly follows company's Ethics and EH&S policies, try to learn more soft/hard skills; obtain more professional qualification/s; don’t criticize your company, boss and colleagues; last but not the least, do your best. This will not only makes you happy and proud of your job but it will also makes your company feels proud of you, because you being their most dedicated, honest, loyal, hard working and excellent human being who is respected in the company as a most valuable human resource.
With Prayers