Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Inner strength & will-power of an honest man makes him a perfect Gentleman

Our appointment with Dr. Jain (Head of Hematologist Department) was at 10.30-AM and by the time we reached Hospital it was over 10.45-AM. I requested my wife to sit at the waiting lounge and rushed towards the OPD Reception Counter. I placed my wife’s medical file before the Lady at the Reception and requested her to issue me the OPD folder and receipt of consultancy fee so that I could consult the Doctor; but without looking at me she inquired whether I have an appointment with the Dr. Jain. I immediately replied: “Yes madam” and also showed her the last week’s prescription of Dr. Jain wherein the Doctor had advised for the next week’s visit. Without looking at my file, she asked for the visiting charges. After making necessary payment I collected the new folder wherein she had attached Hospital’s printed Form duly filled in with all the desired information of the patient and the Doctor’s name, room number and the appointed time was mentioned: 11.30-AM.

I informed the lady at the reception that we were having an appointment for 10.30-AM; she replied me, since the Doctor had not yet arrived hence she has given me the appointment time of 11.30-AM; as she believed by then the doctor would definitely arrive. I returned to the waiting lounge and sat beside my wife. Before she could ask any question I told her about the reason of the delay and started looking at my mobile phone which was in silence mode. I saw eight missed calls, I checked all the call details and found two unknown numbers, one was mobile number and another was the land-line number from Ahmadabad. 

Without wasting any time I moved out of the waiting lounge and walked towards the parking ground. I first called the mobile number but got no reply. Thereafter I dialed the land-line number and after few rings I heard a Lady's voice answering in Gujarati language: “City Nursing Home-Namaste!” I gave my name and informed her about the missed call received from that number. She replied again in Gujarati language and told me that it was a private Nursing Home and she didn't exactly know who might have called me and before I could inquire further she coolly hung the phone. I was getting worried, who could have called me from this number. Before I could dial the mobile number again my wife came out looking for me and informed me that the Doctor Jain had arrived and the Nurse had called her name twice.

I dropped the idea of calling back the missed call numbers and walked towards Dr. Jain’s cabin along with my wife. After thorough check-up of all the test reports of my wife Dr. Jain informed us that my wife should be admitted in the Emergency Ward immediately because she is having very low hemoglobin due to low iron and blood transfusion needed today itself; he also suggested a dose of iron boost. I informed Dr. Jain that I would like to discuss with the family doctor before going ahead with his prescription. Then, I excused myself and left the cabin along with my wife.

We came out of the Hospital compound totally disturbed, disappointed and disheartened and proceeded towards the parking ground. My wife had gone back to a silence mode and I could clearly see her eyes filled with tears. I wanted to console her but then I decided to keep quiet for the time being and left her alone for few minutes so that she could settle down and adjust with her present situation and in this uncertainty we left the Hospital.       
I hardly had gone a kilometer or so, when I got a call again on my mobile phone and I stopped the car at the road side and answered the phone. It was the same mobile number again and at the outset the caller said: “Jai Shri Krishna” I immediately understood it was the voice of my very dear friend from Ahmadabad. I also responded in same tone and wished him by saying: “Jai Shri Krishna Jayant Bhai”. Before I could speak further, he interrupted me and said: “Were where you, I was trying to contact you since morning?  I briefed him about my today’s hospital visit and the whole episode including my wife’s present problem.     

He listens to me very tentatively and after a deep breath he replied: “I am very sorry to hear about your wife’s problem, please take good care of her. I interrupted him in between and inquired about the reason of his sudden and frequent calls in the morning. He kept quiet for few more seconds and then spoke to me with a very low voice: “Nothing urgent, I just wanted to ask you about your next blog, when you will publish it?” I was not convinced with his answer but I did not probe him further and replied to him that due to family problems and present medical crises I was not in a position to concentrate on my writing. However, I would try to publish my new blog next month. And after some more conversation he disconnected the phone.

I started my car again but I was not in a position to forget about Jayesh bhai and I was seriously thinking about the whole conversation and was trying to connect the dots of our last telecom but somehow I could not come out with a positive conclusion of his repeated calls and later I shifted my thought on my present crises.

It’s more than ten months now, my wife was not well and suffering from multiple symptoms and various problems which started cropping up one after the other. Initially it was her chest pain and she was admitted to the hospital; after the angiography test she came home; afterwards she was having high fever and in-between her sciatica problem aggravated thereafter her cervical problem cropped-up and now it’s her hemoglobin which was not keeping her in good health. And for every problem we have to consult a new doctor and with every new doctor she has to undergo various tests which includes: Blood test for Malaria Parasite EDTA Whole Blood/Smear, Alanine Aminotransferase, Rapid Typhi IGM, Dengue, Typhoid, Blood Cultural-Bactec Plus, Iron Cultural, Lipid Profile, Diabetic Profile, Ultrasound (whole abdomen), X-ray for Chest, Kidney function Profile, Lever function profile, Ferritin Serum, Irun Serum, Urine Culture, Glycosylated Hemoglobin, EDTA Whole Body, Vitamin B12 Level Serum and many more tests, there was no end to it. It’s not for one time, but every 15 days she had to undergo one test after another and I was feeling so helpless, frustrated and disappointed that I could do anything concrete to mitigate her pain. And I wondered why should she has to suffer so much of pain; Oh Lord, have mercy on her! 

I had never felt so helpless in my life before; I have read that after 50 years of age one had to be very careful with his health, one must control his diet, regularly do the physical exercise and every six month must go for routine body check-up. I have seen my wife following all the above mentioned advises religiously but still she was facing so many problems. I didn’t know what to do next except to listen to the doctors' advises. After all, I can’t take chances with my better half’s health.  

In the evening we went to our family doctor and briefed him about today’s episode. He first studied all her reports and after thorough physical check-up he told us not to worry at all and said: All her reports are okay except deficiency of Iron that’s why her hemoglobin is on a lower side. He prescribed medicines and gave her diet-chart which she has to strictly follow. He suggested only one blood test for hemoglobin to be conducted after 20 days, that’s it. Thereafter, he will decide the next course of action.

We came home in much better condition and relieved. My wife was feeling somewhat at ease and for the first time since morning I saw a little smile on her face but I could see her eyes still filled with tears and I could not make out whether it was of joy or sorrow!  

Days passed into weeks and weeks into months. I also forgot about Jayesh Bhai’s that particular mobile call and got involved with my day to day affairs. The other day I went for my car service and decided to wait for some more time to take back the car after the service was over instead of coming again. I was waiting at the service centre when I got an e-mail on my mobile phone from Jayesh Bhai which was so personal that I could not control my emotions and after reading it twice I started crying profusely.

After few minutes, I controlled myself. I thought of calling him over the phone first but could not muster enough strength to speak with him at that point in time. Now I understood the reason for his that day's call from his wife's mobile and later he called me from the Nursing home land-line phone number also because that very day his wife was operated.

He only wanted me to pray for his wife’s well being who was diagnosed with Colon Cancer, and was operated for seven long hours; the doctors had removed 14 inches of large intestine which had a tumor of about three inches in diameter. She was undergoing Chemo therapy every fortnight, total twelve sittings were required and till now only six had been completed, another six had to be carried out in the next three months.

I can pretty well understand how helpless he might have been feeling that day. He desperately wanted to share his concern with someone whom he trusted the most. But after realizing that my wife was also not keeping well, he kept quiet and withheld all his agony, pain and sorrow to himself. He never wanted me to get disturbed and upset with his personal problems, that was why he changed the topic and had not disclosed anything further.

I came back home, sat down in my study room and started thinking about Jayesh Bhai and his wife, respected Bhavna ji. First, I offered my prayers for the well being of Bhavana ji and then I told my wife about the whole incident. And instantly she advised me to rush to Ahmadabad and be with Jayesh Bhai saying that I must offer my unconditional assistance, help and support to Jayesh Bhai, because on such occasions in life a man must stand tall and fulfill all his duties without any hitch or hesitation. Because this is the most crucial time which can come in any body’s life, therefore one must not avoid and run away from such situations and responsibilities instead face them with brave heart, open mind and without being biased.

I wanted to call him back but I could not manage enough courage, confidence and inner-strength to talk to him one on one. Therefore I wrote him back and offered all my help and assistance. He immediately responded saying that he wanted only my prayers and well wishes, nothing else. I was feeling so low and sad, how a person could be so selfish, I should have called him back that very day and I should have inquired about the reason of his frantic calls, why I kept quiet for so long? Everyone has problems in life that does not mean one can avoid facing the world and stop meeting with his own family-members, friends and relatives.

Today when I look back and see, I find my problem too small as compared to my friend’s problem. I was making it so big and on the other side my very dear friend who was going through such a tough time in his life but still he had not only faced the situation so bravely but had also handled his social responsibilities with full maturity, sensibly and sincerely. It’s the inner strength and strong will-power of an honest man which ultimately makes him a perfect Friend and a Gentleman.      

I pray to God Almighty for speedy recovery of respected Bhavna ji,

With Prayers

1 comment:

  1. I want you to Pray for me..i dont know you but something just tells me that if u follow my Blog or just even pray for me i might come out of a very bad Mental Disorder i have..
