Today I am seriously thinking about taking Sanyas and I see no reason why I should not go for it. Here, my Sanyas will be different, what our Baba ji has taught us that while living with the family & friends, you can still renounce the whole-world or to be more precise & specific, renounce the world's materialistic things, which are not at all necessary to survive in this world today. But few things, which are very important to survive, say for example: -
A) Basic needs for living:
Jal, vayu, Agni, Dharti aur Akash [Water, Air, Fire, Earth & Sky],
it's available in abundance, gifted to all Mankind by Nature & God.
it's available in abundance, gifted to all Mankind by Nature & God.
B) Basic needs for survival: Food, Cloths and Shelter
C) Additional needs for comfortable living:
Good food, Cloths, Mobile, Debit card/s, TV, Fridge, AC's
Washing Machine, Music System, RO-plant, Laptop/Palm top.
D) Extra needs for comfortable living:
Good Flat, Car, Club-membership/Foreign tour with family
E) Extra needs for more comfortable and safe future:
Fixed Deposits in the name of my family members
F) Extra-ordinary needs for more comfortable/safe future:
Investment in Blue chip Companies/Gold/Jewellery
I am sure and confident, in this life I will not be able to earn so much to have every thing which I have mentioned above. But the most important thing here is that by all means one can not earn that much in ones whole-life, working honestly. Unless otherwise, like you win a lottery ticket "bumper-offer". But the big question is, am I so Lucky to win a jack-pot in this life-time? It sound so funny, un-realistic, un-practical and un-professional. How stupid I am even to think of all these things; why because, you do not even know about tomorrow and you are talking about secured-future, how absurd, -" Kal ka patta nahi aur chale hai bhawishya banane."
One more thing, why I want to secure my future. Baba ji says, live for today, do your best honestly, sincerely and gracefully with-out hurting, cheating, bluffing, hiding and stealing any-one, ever and rest will come to place automatically and keep my-self, free, not pre-occupied, with-out having deep relationship and engagement, because I will get a call from the BIG-BOSS/God Almighty, any time; and believe me, every thing will be left behind, [included all family members, cash, fixed-deposit, gold, property, shares/debentures, car, house-hold things, name, fame, designation, medals etc..] because, Antim-yatra per to Nir-vastra evam Aakele hi jana padta hai na. So why worry about secured future, let him [God-Almighty] secure our futute and we live our life for today only cent percent with our full Mind, Body & Soul and give our 100% to our family, our-job, our society, our friends and our-selves, keeping only one thing in our mind - "Mera Mujh mein kuch nahi, jo kuch hai so tera, tera tujh ko sopea kya lage mera". with an awakening and conscious mind.
Therefore, I have decided from today, I will live my life like a Sanyasi at the same time, perform all my duties with sincerity, honesty, hard work and without cheating, bluffing, hurting any-body physically or emotionally and giving my best and cent percent to what-ever I do. I will also consume the bare minimum things which are actually required and necessary to survive [food, cloth and shelter only]. Please pray for me, so that I can stick to my resolution of Sanyas today with my conscious-mind and every new day of my life, till I live. May God Bless us all. Sab Da Rab Rakha.
With Prayers,
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